Wednesday, June 26, 2013

7 simplest method to increase Google Adsense CTR

It can be frustrating to constantly test out new ways to get more people clicking through from your articles to your website. Writing one article everyday usually the simple answer, but sometimes there’s just not enough time in the day to write a new articles everyday.
What you can do as an alternative is to steadily increase the performance of each new article you write. In other words, take these steps to constantly improve the click-through rate ( CTR ) of your articles.
Here’s a are seven tips  to increase Google Adsense CTR:

Provide Great Content to increase Google Adsense CTR

Why people now a days refer to wikipedia for almost everything?
“Trust”, It is trust that attract them, my dear !
Because they know what they are going to read over there will be complete in all the sense and if the information is anyhow not complete, they will invite authors to complete them.
Content is the King “, I am sure you have read numerous times this phrases on thousand of site. The value of the content could be a reason why your click-through rate isn’t as high as you’d like it to be. If the value of your content doesn’t impress your audience, they’re going to look somewhere else for answers. After all, if readers click away from an article before getting to the end of it, they’re not going to even see your links.

Great content comes from great research so before writing even a single words on your blog/website, never ever think that nobody will notice your article.

Redefine Your Keywords and Key-phrases

Content is King“  No doubt but what happen when no body know about the King. It it the SEO efforts  which select proper keywords and Key-phrases to tell the world that there is a KING.
Sort keywords are already been used and misused by the marketing guru, so where is the money and how we can place our newly created blog/site among them?
Answer is simple – research!!!!!!!!!!
Research , yes my dear friend it is now this time…research of the long tail key keywords. it is now long tail keywords that can give your blog/site a boost.
The closer you target your audience with keywords and key-phrases, the better the chances they’ll read your entire article and click on your links to find out more.
Find words that clearly define your topic, yet aren’t so specific that nobody would ever search for them. Google adwords keywords tool and long tail pro are two excellent tools to help you find such buyer keywords list.

Bottom- Line:  When you are going to redefine your whole articles, remember one thing very clearly, Never ever redesign your URL unless until you are very much sure about it.

Write Shorter Articles ?

Read the next paragraphs very carefully – i really mean it. Even if possible, read between the lines.
We measure the average attention span for most Internet users in seconds rather than minutes. Most readers are looking for value-packed articles under 1,000 words.
Opening a page to a brilliantly written 1,500-word article is more likely to scare your readers off than to draw them in. Plus, a shorter article means a shorter trip from the title to your Resource Box.

when Google start penalizing thin content and start demoting such website from their search results, then people start  writing long and descriptive articles.
So where is the point, Short article or long article?
The answer, according to me is…Complete article if  you are not able to complete your whole guide in your given limit, divide them into series.

Make Articles Visually Appealing

Visually appealing means ? Should you insert a lots of images and videos, Though images and videos enhance the quality of your blog, but how many images and videos?
suggested limit for image and video per article is one.  besides images and video you can also incorporate simple formatting tricks to break up text. Line breaks, bold subheadings and bullet lists are all quick ways to transform a big block of text into an organized, readable article.

New bloggers as well as experienced blogger does not fully understand the need of a well designed ad optimized theme, a well optimized theme, can also increase Google adsense CTR.
Bottom Line : List normally show that you researched your article well and now you have classified your information for the benefit of the reader.

Make Your Resource Box Clear

New bloggers and your old readers always want to know the tools, right now, you are using for the better user experience and higher place in SERP.
The Resource Box is not the place to list all of your accomplishments or provide a laundry list of awards. Keep it short and sweet so that your call-to-action and links clearly stand out.

Bottom Line:  Resource box is one of the finest place to put your most influential affiliate links to earn big money online.

Polish Your Crystal Clear Call-to-Action

Telling your readers what you want them to do and why they should do it is another possible way to increase your click-through rate. If the audience doesn’t know what to do next, you’ll lose them.

Give Something Away

Tell your readers what they’ll get from going to your website. You’re more likely to get them to click through to your site if they know the value of what they’re getting. It could be something simple like a PDF report or special discount coupon, or a complimentary ebook or MP3 file.
As you people are well aware that we constantly publish free ads optimized wordpress themes for our readers, these theme are basically designed to enhance your google adsense click through rate as well as your earnings.
Monitor the click-through rates of your articles using either google analytics or any other site monitoring tool  to figure out what’s working and what’s not. Look for those top-performing articles and try to figure out what you did differently to make them stand out. Then, incorporate what you discover into your next set of high-quality, original articles and enjoy your increase  google adsense CTR.

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