Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Do Follow Blogs – How best to Comment

We write lots of articles per day but our blog are not getting popularity that it deserve . What could be the problem? The only answer of this question is ” the method which we choose to setup of our blog”. If you are new in blogging like i was, then You must have to work hard. According to me there are lots of factors behind a blog success and one of them is Good Comment.  Here in this article i will discuss about commenting strategy which is very useful for beginners.
Do you really want from people to comment on your blog posts? But why they will do that? Just think about these questions?  To encourage people to comment on your blog you should give something in return .  You give them an outgoing link to their website- or you can say do-follow link, when they make a quality comment on your blog. You also allow the search engine to follow that link to their website by using the do follow attribute.

What is Do follow Blogs Link?

Do follow is the opposite of  No-Follow. By default, WordPress blogs use a rel= no follow attribute for all out going links and Do-follow link for all internal links.
Do follow blog comment
This no follow link attribute comes into play with the posting of blog comments. The no-follow tag tells the search engines NOT to follow the link to any other web sites.
Do Follow blogs are going against the norm and turning the No-Follow tag off, enabling do-follow of out going comment links. Yes you got right, if you have a do follow blog then people will be encouraged to put comments on your blog on the behalf of  Back-links.
You also need to let people know that you are a Do Follow Blog. Some visitors will have no idea what that means, but those who do know what it means will appreciate it and will often leave a comment.
You will notice I have a Do Follow notice in the upper left hand column of my blog. I am letting others know that they are welcome to leave relevant comments, and letting them know what my expectations are.
But remember that there will be spammers who try to take advantage of your generosity. If you have a blog you probably are already getting comment spam, I sure do.

How Do I Set Do Follow Blog?

Unfortunately, the option to turn No Follow on, or off, is not an option in WordPress but there are lots of plugins on wordpress site and on internet that can do this. Here, i suggest you one plugin called Do follow. To get this plugin just search Do follow term in Google or in  ( Massive list of Do follow Blog and forums ) or you can download it from here. Download do follow plugin
Devil’s Advice : If your blog is new,  this is highly recommended to turn your your site Do follow. if no then at-least convert your comment into do-follow. Once you join the Do-Follow movement, let everyone know your blog is do follow by adding your blog to the do-follow blog list directories.


Though Do follow blog and forum are good to enhance the visibility of our website/blog a lot, it does not matter just start spamming on useless blog article for the sake of a back-link.  Search do-follow blogs in your niche and feed them with Good comment to get some great links.

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