Wednesday, June 26, 2013

How To Create, Open And Save Images In Adobe Photoshop CS5. -

This is our second tutorial related to Adobe Photoshop CS5. Our first tutorial was Introduction to Adobe Photoshop CS5 in which I have told you about the working environment of this program. In this tutorial I will teach you that How Photoshop Create new images, Open existing images and Saves images in different file format. But first let me brief you a little here about the Formats. Formats are ways of saving the information in a file so the file can be used in other applications either for printing or web page usage. Now let's start our training tutorial with the first heading that How To Create A New Image in Adobe Photoshop CS5?

How To Create A New Image in Adobe Photoshop CS5?
In Photoshop you can create new images, but question is that how can e create those images? The whole answer of this question lies in the below given steps. Follow the simple steps given below to create your new image. Here are your steps to follow and to create your image.
Select File Menu From Menu Bar.

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Menu Bar.

Now click on New from File Menu and after your click a Dialog Box appears similar to the image given below.

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Dialog Box.

Type the name of your image in the name box and set the Width, Height, Resolution, Mode And Background Contents.
Click on OK button.
After clicking on OK, Document window (canvas) appear on your Photoshop environment or screen similar to the image given below and now you are ready to create any image.

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Canvas.

Note :
When you create a new Photoshop document, it contains only one layer. When a slide is scanned or an image imported from a digital camera, the image will open with just a Background.
This is how you can create a new image. Hope you have understand the method of creating new image and now you are able to make your own image. Now moving towards next heading that How To Open File In Adobe Photoshop CS5 ?

How To Open File In Adobe Photoshop CS5 ?
To Open a file Photoshop CS5 you need to follow the steps given below. These are the simple and easy steps to follow.

Select File Menu From Menu Bar.

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Menu Bar.

Click on Open and after your click on open, a dialog box appears similar to the image as given below. Now the intresting thing here is that you can use shortcut to open your file without doing the first two steps. To open your fie using shortcut press Ctrl+O. After opening of dialog box, Use the dialog box to locate the file that you wish to work with. Under the Files Of Type, you can select to view All Formats or specific file format only (Example: Photoshop file type)

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Open File.

This is how you can open your file. Is this one easy ?if so then give us your feedback about the tutorials by giving your comments. Your comments will be Appreciated by us!!

How To Save A File ?
To save your work or your file you just need to follow the below steps:
Select File Menu From Menu Bar. Click on Save or simply use the shortcut. The shortcut to save your file is press Ctrl+S key combination.
Note :
When saving your work using the Save or Save As a dialog box, Name your document and select an appropriate format to save your work.

Choosing The File Format :
While working on an image, you should save he file in .psd format (Photoshop Document ). This file type retains the image layers and effects without flattening them so that you can go back and modify you image at any time. Once you are finished with your work, you can Save As the Photoshop file in a different Format on the purpose of final image.
When Utilizing images for web use these FIle Formats
.gif = If the picture is line art, has large areas of solid colour and uses a limited colour plalette. .jpeg = If the picture is photograph or continuous tone art (lots of colour ). .png = If the picture is photograph or continuous tone art (lots of colour ).
Note :
If you want to import a picture into another graphics program choose .bmp or .pict format as they are the two most generally compatible graphic formats.

Our next and Third tutorial will be updated on My Blogging Nest On 06/27/2013. In this Tutorial I will tell you that How To Make Layers ? Making layers is one of the important topic in making your images so don't Miss it !! you can also subscribe with us via email for free get daily email updates straight to your inbox to keep yourself updated about all the posts related to Adobe Photoshop CS5.

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Last Words:

Hope that you have understand the whole procedure of creating, opening and saving your images in Adobe Photoshop CS5. I Hope that all of my coming tutorials on Adobe Photoshop CS5 will help you in understanding all the things about Adobe Photoshop I have tried a lot to make all the tutorials simple and easy for you to understand. If you found that any link is broken then inform me by giving your comments. Also If you need any help regarding this post or blogging then simply write your questions in the comment box :)
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